The Global Race for Submarine Internet Cables: China, the US, and the Future of the Internet


Submarine telecommunications cables are the backbone of the modern internet, carrying most of the global internet traffic. These cables, which span the oceans and connect continents, are essential for the smooth functioning of the digital world. As internet usage continues to grow, the demand for submarine cables is increasing, and both China and the United States are vying for control of this critical infrastructure.

Why Are Submarine Cables Important?

Efficient and Reliable Data Transmission: Submarine cables are the most efficient and reliable way to transmit data over long distances. They are less susceptible to interference than satellite-based internet connections, and they can carry much more data than terrestrial fiber optic networks. This makes them essential for connecting countries and regions that are not well-served by terrestrial infrastructure.

China’s Submarine Cable Ambitions

Major Player in the Global Market: China is a major player in the global submarine cable market. In 2021, it was responsible for about 40% of the world’s submarine cable capacity. This is due to China’s rapid economic growth and its growing demand for internet connectivity.

Investment in Expansion: China is investing heavily in expanding its submarine cable network. With plans to build more than 16,000 kilometers of new cables by 2025, China is aiming to strengthen its position as a leader in the industry. This expansion will give China greater control over the flow of data to and from the country.

US Concerns About China’s Submarine Cable Expansion

Geopolitical Tensions: The growing dominance of Chinese submarine cables has raised concerns among US officials. Some worry that China could use its control of these cables to spy on or disrupt US communications. Others are concerned that China could block access to the internet for US citizens or businesses.

The US Response to China’s Submarine Cable Expansion

Countering Chinese Dominance: The United States is taking steps to counter China’s growing dominance of the submarine cable market. The US government is investing in its own submarine cable network, and it is also encouraging private companies to build more cables. Additionally, the US is working with its allies to develop new technologies that can protect internet traffic from eavesdropping and cyberattacks.

The Future of Submarine Cable Competition

Intensifying Rivalry: The competition between China and the United States for control of the submarine cable market is likely to intensify in the years to come. The two countries have different visions for the future of the Internet, and they are using their submarine cable networks to advance their respective agendas. This competition is likely to have a significant impact on the global internet landscape.

Potential Benefits and Risks of Chinese Dominance

  •         Benefits: Increased connectivity for developing countries, reduced internet costs, improved data security through Huawei submarine cable technology.
  •          Risks: Increased surveillance and censorship capabilities, potential disruptions to internet access, geopolitical tensions, and conflicts.

Future Scenarios

  •          Multipolar Market: A more balanced distribution of submarine cable ownership and investment, with the involvement of other countries and companies.
  •          National Security Concerns: Increased scrutiny of submarine cable investments and operations to safeguard national security interests and protect against cyberattacks.
  •          New Technologies: Development of innovative technologies, such as quantum-resistant cryptography and distributed ledgers, to enhance the security and resilience of submarine cables.


The race for submarine internet cables is a key battleground in the broader geopolitical rivalry between China and the United States. Whoever controls these cables will have a significant advantage in the global information economy. The future of the internet will depend on how this competition unfolds.

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